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Une page sur les mods et les maps que j'ai réalisé sur Elder Scrolls 3 : Morrowind, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion ainsi que Fallout 3 



This page is a bit special because here I would approach my work on the series of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3 that I class in the same page as it is the same modding editor that's used in all thoses games even if the name is not the same. 


In these games the player is often put in command of an exceptional being responsible for restoring peace, or on the contrary to be the greatest villain the world has ever known, in a vast world where the player can walk to his way and meet a whole bunch of obstacles and people to talk to. 


It is something that I started at the age of 12 years old and that has never really left me. Unfortunately all these hours have been lost after the destruction of a hard disk. I look forward to the day when I could finally return to this passion.

CLIENT : Myself
TEAM : 1-2
DATES :  Since i'm 12 years old


TES Construction Set (Named GECK f Fallout 3) is a tool that allows players to tweak their game as they wish. Changes that the player can do to the game can vary from a simple variable modification to make a stronger enemy to completely modify the structure of the game. 


Among the various mods I've done on Elder scrolls : 


- Creations and modifications of weapons. 

- A Mod in which the player can borrow dimensional doors to travel from one point on another on the map almost instantly. 

- Work on balancing the game to make it more difficult. 

- Maps. 

- Quests. 

- A great adventure in Morrowind, which also adds a complete village with active NPCs.


For these mods, I usually just go with an idea and then I try to make this idea into the game engine. This technique gives both a lot of fun and also a lot of frustration because I perceive that I can't not do something only when i tries to do it. 

When I will came back into this work, I will use everything i have learn by doing other projects that could prevent me from stray from my goal and help me completing my mods.

Job done / Skills used :


- Modding and Level Design / Creativity

- Mod & Level creation on the TES Construction Set or GECK / TESCS and Scripting

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