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A former police officer about to retire in 1960, won a two weeks cruise on a ship who's crossing the Atlantic. 
Unfortunately, a murder takes place on the ship.
The crew asks the player to solve the mystery before the boat sails.



Murder on the boat is an investigation game designed by two guys, my friend Julien Assunção and I, which was designed for android terminals from a Fallout 3 mod done by us. 


This 3D game with 2D elements on Android puts the player in place of Hugh Atkinson, a former policeman who must solve a murder on a ship. An important part of the game is devoted to time and morality. 


Murder on the boat is a game in a violent, realistic and cool world.

NAME : Murder on the Boat
PLATFORM : Android
GENRE : Investigation
CLIENT : Myself
EQUIPE : 2 people
DATES : 2010


In Murder on the boat, the player plays a former detective who finds himself in a cruise where a murder is committed. 


He must solve it before the boat reaches the american waters.The player must alternate phases of exploration, observation, logic and dialogues to find the murderer so that you can arrest him or help him escape if you want. 


Everyone is a suspect and it is possible to  do immoral actions to achieve your goals 


The location of the action allows us to add a notion of time since the player has a limited time to find the murderer. Thus, every action requires a certain time to be executed, adding to the atmosphere of the game.


Job done / Skills used :


- Creating and writing the Game Design Document / Drafting documents

- Active participation and taking decisions in weekly meetings / Teamwork

- Mind-mapping creation / Mind-maps redaction

For Murder on the boat we were two of us to thing about the use of time and morality in a game and give a complete liberty to the player on a given situation (In here, finding the murderer). 
For Game Design, I was in charge of thinking the game mechanics and create documents allowing us to visualize the outline of the game.

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